Many social media marketers will give you 10,000 followers immediately—but they’re not going to be real. They won’t buy from you. They won’t become loyal fans. At The Marketing Shop, we deliver qualified leads in your target audience. This happens by building your brand presence—authentically and consistently. It doesn’t happen overnight. But it will happen. The result? Consistent leads, steadier income, and a bigger, stronger brand presence.

We work with select clients—and our partnership isn’t for everybody.

You’ll love us if:

  • You’re passionate about your work. You have an awesome product or service that you believe in.
  • You’re thinking long term. You want to build a credible, authentic image that will serve your lasting future. You want to build genuine connections with prospective clients who will become loyal customers.
  • You value quality over quantity. Ready for the truth? We can pretty much promise that we’ll deliver fewer leads than most social media marketers—but they’re going to be real, qualified leads who are going to be willing to work with you if you follow up with them. At the Marketing Shop, less is seriously more.
  • You’re a nice person. You know something? This far along in our career, we choose to work only with nice, kind, respectful people. This doesn’t mean we can’t talk about the hard stuff—just that we like friendly interactions and mutually-respectful relationships.
  • You have realistic expectations. This takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight. If it did, it wouldn’t be real.
  • You will follow up with your leads. For most services/packages, your involvement can be customized based on your preferences…meaning that after we understand your business, we can handle almost everything for you—with one exception: you have to follow up with your leads! We can bring them to you, but can’t put the money in your pocket.

It’s not for you if:

  • You have a product or service that lacks quality
  • You won’t follow up with the leads
  • Your main motivation is that you “should be doing social media”
  • You want a quick fix
  • You are willing to compromise integrity for financial gain
  • You’d prefer quick sales to long-term relationships

Think we might be the right fit? Let’s talk.